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Тема "Стажировка в крупном промышленном концерне (3 месяца), МСК"

Автор:  Екатерина Дата: 18.08.2007 22:14
Стажировка в крупном промышленном концерне.

Trainee (temporary position for 3 months, from September 1, for 3 days per week)

Here are some examples of tasks to be entrusted to this person:

building / optimising a data base of competitors in Russia (mineral wool, XPS, sandwich panels) - which may include desk research and research on the web
building a model (Excel, Power Point) which will allow to simulate regional sales volumes and respective distances, in order to define the proper location for our Ural factory
mapping our current distribution network, as well as volume flows by region
I consider the ideal profile of the person to be as follows:

economics / business studies (ideally in the last year of study)

interested in market research and statistical analysis
very at ease with Excel, Power Point, and other (more advanced) simulation models
good English a plus; average level of English essential
active, energetic, precise with figures, perfectionist in his presentation

Прошу высылать резюме на e-mail: graduate@headberry.ru с пометкой в теме письма: код вакансии SG-EK-02-RL.

Контактная информация:
+7 (495) 624-8889
+7 (926) 342-9264
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